Sunday, January 08, 2006


Readers of yesterday’s mammoth posting will know that I have marking to do and sleep to catch up on before tomorrow’s onslaught. As it happens I did sleep quite well, the marking won’t take too long and today was fairly uneventful which means I won’t be posting a whopper.

Up early to get the kids ready for church before picking up Andy, who had stayed at a friend’s place last night. Didn’t see much of church as I was leading the crèche which, in the end, turned out to be me and three toddlers learning about Simeon and Anna welcoming Jesus. Systematic theology and colouring in.

Then off to in-laws to set up DVD player, laptop and PDA. Success with DVD but needed to bring said laptop and PDA home for swearing at and new installation of Windows.

Then home to chuck tea into kids and then chuck kids into bed before some housework and blog.

Which brings us neatly up to date. So I’ll bid you all goodnight.

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